Wednesday, June 24, 2015

News week of June 22 (updated frequently)

June 24 Bizarre weather system in New York moving west, right after strong storms moved east towards New York. The previous storm has caused moderate damage in IO, MI, & IL. The current system has brought damage to Pennsylvania.
NATO still at work with Iran regarding nuclear refinement
June 22 Pakistan heat wave kills 600+ people in a matter of 4 days, with temps topping out at over 45 Celcius, or about 112 F, causing a death rate much higher than in Indian heat wave. Where is it going next?
N Korea claims to have cure for MERS, SAIRS, ebola, & other viruses

Thursday, June 4, 2015


FYI, just because a post is published doesn't have to mean that it's completely finished. Sometime's I mean to save a post, but once in a while it's accidentally published too early

World events Week of 6/2/2015- weather