So I realized I haven't posted anything for a while. I will this year, that's for sure. In addition, I may write some about the weather. I will compare the current weather conditions for a particular day to the forecast conditions. This will determine which weather forecasts are most reliable. I am a meteorology enthusiast in a way. I like to put myself out in the elements. That is, I plan on seeing how far I can go to survive in our current weather conditions. That is, the dreadful winter. It is currently getting so cold outside. I want to be able to take advantage of these cold spells, because I am an astronomy enthusiast. I want to be able to get accustomed to the cold myself, so that I do not need to worry about this dreadful cold. My goal would eventually be to feel fairly good even when the temperature has gone well below the freezing point. And yes, I have to pretty much start like now if this is what I'm looking forward to. Obviously we winter to feel like summer one day!..might all start out as cold even when it's like fifty degrees! You don't need to be too critical- to me, anything below about 45-50 degrees-starts to get incredibly cold, if you start talking about wind chill. My yearly exercise will now consist of being out in various kinds of weather. One day I want the world to be like a wonderland. On which it snows and whatnot, "during summer"; it would be just like summer for me. And, you know what? This has been on my mind for some time. Another idea for a YouTube channel, eh? So, I will see how far I will be able to survive this wasteland.